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How do we regeneratively and sustainably source, refine and distribute the supply required to provide the necessary conditions for every member of the human species to live a dignified life? This includes dealing with limitations, managing buffers and preparing for future generations and situations.
This, and the following six questions, stand at the intersection of several systems of relevance realisation. They are intended to create an overlapping overview of human activity. When trying to engage with them, we should not attempt to answer them. What we should try and do is to do our best to pick good elements from the shadow of the future that fit together well and have the potential to create a good world.
Tonight we will multilogue about the above question and - as in the past - i will use the benefit of being the initiator of this to force my opinion about it on you here. But worry not. It is short and sweet. Maybe a little too simplistic on the surface, but it is up to you to allow your mind to unpack it a little further - and join us to share.
I see a dignified life as one which is subjectively equally wealthy in all five of Maslow's dimensions. But since the question does not include levels three, four and five - i will focus on level one (and more implicitly on level two).
Imagine a child being born in fifty years. As a welcome present to life she receives a box from her family and her immediate community.
The box contains seeds for plants that are attuned to the local conditions of her birthplace. As she grows older, she will receive guidance how to use them, how to grow them into plants that provide important elements of her livelihood. She will learn how much of the seeds to retain in order to be able to plant again, to store for future emergencies and to share with others in need.
The box also contains flasks of micro-organisms - and as she grows, she receives guidance on how to use those microorganisms to grow things that nature doesn't provide so easily - conductive materials, sunlight harvesting materials, glass-like materials and so on. She learns how to nurture the organisms, she learns how to combine them.
Over the years she receives the most important gift of all gifts - total self-reliance. She will live a life knowing that she will never have to starve, never have to endure cold or heat. She will know how to multiply what she has and to share it with others and she will trust that others will do the same for her if needed.
With this deep rooted security and safety, she can embark on explorations to find how she could serve life and community even better and beyond and perhaps stop producing for her basic needs herself as she starts trading other skills for her basic needs. But she will always know - and always be equipped to care for herself. Completely.
Next week we will focus on Question Two:
How do we ensure signaling capacity that represents needs and desires of individuals in a balanced way? This serves as a binding modality between organising supply and societal decision making processes.
Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexels