Jan 4, 2021Liked by Thomas Schindler

As ever, Thomas, you are thinking creatively about the big challenges we face. I look forward to the multilogue (also, thanks for that excellent word).

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Thank you, Marcus. Coming from you, this means very much to me. I look forward to welcoming you in one of the multilogues!

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Yes, I’m thinking that we have an responsibility to step into the storm. But I think we need to define what capacities we each need. I am part of several circles opening, sensing and training as “crew” members are unconsciously competent in performing their tasks. Are small groups of five-six like a music band or a sailboat crew really to perform in waves of complexity? How do we read the wind, wind, waves and competition that are all present in th de moments of acceleration?

What do we really really want to do that we are well trained to manage?

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I agree, we need to nurture several capacities as well as creating symbols to be able to point at the things, we know and feel, but cannot express. I am glad to sail with you.

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Happy to be part, and if only for feedback. Still reading tons of SciFi failing to show (positive) answers, looking very much forward to find a way to shape a desirable future, instead of just watching to happen the contrary.

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Late entry here but honored to join this conversation thank you for the invite Thomas

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Anesu! Thank you for joining! And thank you for all the work you do! Still waiting for that song, though :))

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Great initiative, Thomas.

Would love to contribute.

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Thank you! I look forward to welcoming you in one of the multilogues.

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A wonderful way to start a new year, a new decade for that matter. Like Loaves & Fish we all come with unique gifts. I am a twitter maven -- and will curate any community members of @fullcircle that make themselves known to me. You can find me @jennifersertl. We have work to do!

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Let's make this year count. Maybe we should have a conversation on whether and how to invite everyone into a discord for further and more open communication. Let's talk!

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Cool idea. Thank you, Thomas!

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Thank you, Simon! It is good having you here!

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Thank you! I am looking forward to what is about to evolve from this.

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Thank you! I love your energy and how you make time in your busy life to join the multilogues!

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Thank you Thomas for inviting me. I am in!

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We need brilliant minds like yours. The pleasure is all ours!

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Hi Thomas, thanks for the invitation and I'm happy to see where it brings us :)

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Me too :) - It doesn't bring us, we bring it.

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Thanks for this great initiative! I am happy to join in. Thank you for inviting me Thomas!

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Thank you, Tomas. It is great having you here! You are an important traveler between the various worlds and spaces of conversation at this crucial moment in time.

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Thank you Thomas for inviting me!! I am happy to join, read and contribute. I also believe in the power of synergy , together we can make difference. Best regards, Carolina Frodl.

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Yes, we can! I am happy to have you here!

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Thanks Thomas for inviting me. Creating a different and more just future is critical. I shall contribute as much as I am able to.

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Hermann - you keep impressing me. It seems like you doubled your power with every decade of life. One day i will want to know your secret.

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Thank you Thomas for inviting me. This initiative is inspiring. I'd be very happy to contribute

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Patrice! I am looking forward to your contribution - and to hear what you can see :)

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Thanks Thomas for the invite to this collective intelligence knowledge creation process using the future. This is indeed an opportunity to imagine different futures and expand the menu of choices as well as the views, perspectives and methods involved. High #FuturesLiteracy #Polylogue

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Yes, but we need to move beyond talking into doing asap. I believe that we might be ready for some action in a few months.

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Thank you for inviting me Thomas and very happy to join and contribute. Please challenge me/us!

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William! We're honored to have you - i promise to challenge you - just join us in one of the multilogues ... the challenge is on! :)

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Happy to support

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Thank you, Alvaro!

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Thanks, Thomas. Happy to participate. I have recently been named Executive Director of INU.one ... and continue my work at Democracy.Earth. What I'd ideally like to see "come next": * global universal basic income * AND *a reset of money, work and home* (direct and immediate ownership of all three).

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Herb! You combine youthful disruptive energy with the power of experience like no-one else i know. I will follow you in the revolution!

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Thank you Thomas, such an important time for this initiative, love it and happy to be part of it. Trusting that 2021 is a year of emergence...

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I feel very honored to have you here, Gerry! Let's own this year. Let's make history.

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Happy to be involved, happy to support!

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Happy to have you on board and Superhappy to see you in the multilogues!

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Thanks Thomas for the invite - count me in! I look forward to what is emerging. Happy and grateful to contribute around presencing, collective sense-making and any systemic work for shifting future reality. <3

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Trami! Thank you! Thank you for joining the multilogues and sharing your wisdom! Yes, we need collective sense-making and collective action. Everyone counts!

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Thank you, Thomas, for sharing yours! Looking forward to the next multilogue!

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Thomas - this is wonderfull and important. Lets give ourself permission to hope, seek opportunities & take action towards a future of oneness.

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Anders! The work you do gives me and so many people hope. Thank you - it is an honor to welcome you here!

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Happy 2021 and thanks for reaching out to me! Looking forward to exploring and contributing. Warmly, Susanne

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Susanne! Thank you for being here. Your ability to cross between worlds is crucial to the future!

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Thanks for this great initiative:) I am happy to join in, to make this new year and the coming ones to remember in a positive way!

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Julia, thank you so much for being here. Supporting next generations in this journey is crucial to making the future a good place. Thank you for your work!

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Happy New Year all and thank you Thomas for putting this beautiful initiative together! 😍

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Thank you Leehe! This is yet another perspective onto the same objective we are working on with other things, together! :) Thank you for being here.

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Happy New Year Thomas! thanks for the invite to a positive conversation very much needed in 2021. Greetings !

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Thank you Enrique. I cannot wait to welcome you and you positive energy in one of our sessions!

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Happy to be invited in this very special day and moment.

We dont talk, we do. In Africa. We are ready, work it, who is too?

Looking forward to win any contributors to bring ideal to practice.

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Hi Falk, it is good to have practicioners like yourself here!

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Glad to be part of it 🙏

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Thank you for being here!

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Awesome! Great idea! I am in!

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Welcome Michael! I'm glad, you are part of this!

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Thank you very much. I really love the idea of multilogues. This we need to overcome all these big challenges. If you want, I would like to present some of my ideas for the futures here I had the last years. But at first I wish for all the best for 2021.

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Welcome! Eva-Catrin, there will be space to present your and ideas. A good starting point can be one of the multilogues. In the third section we will go deeply into futures. Then you should definitely be there!

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Wonderful would love to get involved ...

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Thank you Zee! Given your multi faceted engagements, it is a great honor to have you here!

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Happy to be part of this

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Happy that you are!

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I'm delighted to be included, and hope to contribute and collaborate...

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Inga! It is important to have your voice and heart in here as a thoughtful representation of humanity!

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Looking forward to boost our time together!

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Absolutely! Time for the booster stage towards the post scarcity society!

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Thank you for the invite to participate! Looking forward to contributing!

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It would be empty here without you! I am glad to have a friend like you.

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Thank you for the invitation! Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

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Looking forward to greeting you in our multilogues!

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Hi, please share more to enable others to contribute and collaborate.

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Welcome Roxy! i will share a lot in bite sized pieces over the course of the next weeks. Most of these bites will come with an invitation to a multilogue in zoom and those who participate in at least one will get access to our roam graph to contribute more.

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Sweet. Better together. Abrazo y amor to you and all ❤️

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Sending love up from Costa Rica! :)

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Awesome! Thanks for the invitation and yes, let's learn together how to create the world we want for our children :)

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Thank you for showing up in so many ways!

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